
Economic and Policy Research

EMC Laos provides practical and innovative solutions to contemporary economic and policy challenges.  Clients around the world partner with us to study, analyze, and advise on a broad range of economic and policy issues in the Greater Mekong Subregion.  Our team of economic and policy experts leverage their experience to determine outcomes and impact of proposed and concurrent changes, while considering the inherent uncertainties and risks.

Market Research

We help clients identify, measure, segment, and capture market growth opportunities to support a go-to-market strategy, as well as improve ongoing marketing operations.  Across the spectrum of market research in frontier markets, from value and supply chain analysis to targeted market investigations, EMC Laos ensures clients are highly informed and well-prepared.

Monitoring & Evaluation

Clients rely on EMC Laos for relevant, accurate, and actionable information.  Our team incorporates a broad range of econometric and data analytics to help public and private sector organizations make well-informed policy, program, and project decisions.  Through forecasting, scenario modeling, and statistical analysis, we give our clients confidence in making decisions.

Survey Design and Analysis

Our commitment is to pursue best practices in survey research.  This is a defining quality of Emerging Markets Consulting Laos.  Our services include survey design, sampling and weighting, questionnaire design, analytics, and interpretative reporting.