Business Development Services

Investor/Partner Identification and Linkages

With our global investment relationships and local business contacts, our knowledgeable team can facilitate linkages between global impact investors and local investee companies and serve as a trusted intermediary connecting financial institutions and funders with investment-ready companies in Southeast Asia.

Deal Identification, Sourcing and Origination

With on-the-ground and in-country experience in frontier markets, EMC is uniquely positioned to help impact investors identify and source new deals in the unique environment that is Southeast Asia.  We recognize the importance of a robust pipeline of potential deals for an investment fund to operate efficiently.  EMC-Laos has a well-developed network of business connections and experience in deal sourcing in both private and public sectors. Investors who work with us have exclusive access to qualified deals in a hard-to-reach market that they cannot find on their own.

Access to Finance

Competition for growth funds is fierce.   The experienced team of professionals at EMC Laos’ guides investees along their capital raising journey.  Whether access to local microfinance for MSMEs or access to debt or equity from the global impact investing market, we advise and help companies of all sizes to prepare themselves to become more compelling and attractive investment opportunities, and raise their profile among the investor community.

Business Plan Development and Strategic Planning

Our knowledgeable team leverages years of experience to develop effective strategies and business plans.  Clients entrust us with developing strategies and business plans so that they may raise capital, guide activities, and scale and grow their business.  EMC Laos advises leading companies define their Unique Value Proposition (UVP), create business model canvas, write formal business plans and improve overarching financial discipline to make them more attractive to funders.