Strategy & Innovation

At the core of strategy is choice. For corporations and non-business organizations alike, making the right choice is vital to continual growth and success.

Leading organizations choose to partner with EMC to help them develop and execute winning strategies that enable them to transform their vision into reality. With nearly two decades of experience serving the Asian market, we bring unparalleled insight in navigating Southeast Asia’s fast changing business environment. Our team of strategy experts leverage creative and innovative approaches that help our clients navigate uncertainty and capitalize on disruption.

How We Help Our Partners

Growth strategy

Value creation is essential to sustainable growth. Choosing the right growth platform requires strategic rigor and understanding to ensure viable revenue growth, healthy cash flows, and shareholder value. We help organizations understand their options for growth through rigorous processes that will enable them to set themselves apart from the competition.

Corporate and Turnaround Strategy

Corporate strategy is the essential building block to ensure long-term success. It forms the identity from which an organization draws its purpose, and is a compass and guide in charting a pathway towards the future. Our focus in corporate strategy is to help leaders build a winning corporate strategy unique to each organization through a comprehensive people-centric approach. This includes identifying the right opportunities, strategic growth platforms and business mix, and talent needed for success.

Market Feasibility and Entry

A successful market entry strategy relies on a clear and accurate picture of the realities that lie ahead.  Across Southeast Asia, EMC is the most trusted and reliably authoritative advisor for market feasibility and entry for Cambodia and Laos.  We prepare decision-makers to make well-informed decisions to ensure a well-planned and executed market entry so that they may confidently capitalize on market opportunities while mitigating risks.

EMC leverages its expertise in quantitative and qualitative research and analysis to gain valuable insight into markets, allowing clients to understand supply and demand dynamics, the value and supply chain, key trends, market potential and growth projections, and competitors.  We help companies identify opportunities and partners so they may secure a competitive advantage.

Customer and Competitive Landscape

Leading companies prioritize their customers, understand their behavioral patterns, and create strategies to better serve them, with the aim to drive revenue.  The increasingly competitive landscape demands that companies are responsive to their customers and add value to the relationship.  Understanding your customer is key to remaining competitive and relevant.  At the same time, understanding your competition is central to any successful growth strategy.  Companies that understand their competition are better able to withstand disruptions, better positioned to respond to those disruptions, and maintain a competitive advantage.

EMC helps clients develop a deeper understanding of their customer, their behavioral and spending patterns, and translate into winning strategies.  We also help clients better understand their competition, analyze their market share, product and service comparison, and supply-chain structure.  We identify underserved gaps in the market and create strategies to capitalize on those opportunities.