Corporate Finance & Advisory

Investments and M&A

Our M&A strategy support aims to help you make better decisions to maximize your growth potential in Cambodia and as you look to expand internationally. Our data-driven insights and deep knowledge of the region help to maximize value creation by turning today’s uncertainties and challenges into potential opportunities you can leverage. We provide both sell-side and buy-side strategic planning services across the M&A lifecycle, including strategic decision making, due diligence, target identification or sale preparation, integration, divestitures, joint ventures and much more.

Capital Raising and Financing

The present high-growth business environment in Southeast Asia makes it imperative for your business to have the agility to quickly raise funds at commercially viable terms.

Our dedicated team has multifaceted experience in raising debt, equity, and convertible financial instruments from a multitude of financial institutions. We leverage our years of experience and strong relationships in both within Southeast Asia and internationally to connect you with financial partners to support your growth strategy on terms that are beneficial to both parties of the transaction.

We help you manage the fundraising process by providing a full suite of capital raising advisory services, from getting investment-ready, advising on company messaging and marketing, investor identification and transaction closing services.

Financial Analytics and Forecasting

Financial models are the most critical decision-making tools to make informed judgments about your business strategy planning, analyzing operational performance, optimizing budget allocation, and raising equity and debt financing. Our team has a wealth of experience in building best-in-class financial models for your business, project, or transaction that are easy-to-use, provide sophisticated analytical insights and incorporate a variety of complex data that unlocks value in your business.

We also help our clients solve complex tasks in valuation, where we have comprehensive experience in identifying value for both clients involved in sale processes and those pursuing acquisitions. This function is especially important while planning acquisition strategies.

Organizational Design & Business Process Improvement

In today’s business climate, change is dynamic, disruption is unpredictable, and innovation is ongoing. EMC’s experienced team helps clients navigate the inherent complexities involved and gain confidence to effectively implement new structures.  We translate complex organizational design into coherent strategy and create optimal structures where process innovation leads to improved team alignment, employee engagement, and efficiency to drive long-term, sustainable growth, and strategic value.

Leading organizations turn to EMC to help them develop optimal structures that align people, processes, and goals to delivery results, and enhance efficiency and effectiveness of processes to improve performance.