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EMC Cambodia: October 2022 Recruitment

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge. EMC Alumni Find out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life. Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Corporate and SME Advisory Portfolio...

EMC Laos: October 2022 Recruitment

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge. EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life. Job Descriptions Please find detailed job descriptions of EMC Laos available positions for download in the links...

EMC Laos: September Recruitment

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find detailed job descriptions of EMC Laos available positions for download in the links...

EMC Cambodia: September Recruitment

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Find out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Corporate and SME Advisory Portfolio...

EMC Laos: August Recruitment – Business Analyst

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find detailed job descriptions of EMC Laos available positions for download in the links...

Launch of KE’s Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) Cohort 2

Khmer Enterprise, a unit under the Ministry of Economy and Finance, has officially launched the second cohort of its Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) program today. Cohort 1 of EMDG ran from March to July 2022. During cohort 1, the program received nearly 90 applications ranging from different sectors with more than 50 applications from agriculture, 26 applications from manufacturing, and 8 applications from services sectors.   The program is solely funded by Khmer Enterprise and co-designed and managed by Emerging Markets...

EMC Cambodia: August Recruitment

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Corporate and SME Advisory Portfolio...

EMC Laos: July Recruitment

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find detailed job descriptions of EMC Laos available positions for download in the links...

EMC Cambodia: July Recruitment

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Corporate and SME Advisory Portfolio...

EMC Laos Recruitment for June 2022

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find detailed job descriptions of EMC Laos available positions for download in the links...

EMC Alumni: Tom Percival

Tom Percival came to Cambodia to research foreign real estate investments and the impact on local development as part of his PhD studies at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom.  His fascination with Cambodia resulted in an introduction to Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC), and Percival soon joined as a Consultant.  When asked what his favorite project at EMC was, he said, “It’s difficult to pick my favorite project. The best thing about working in a consulting firm is the variety...

EMC Recruitment for June 2022

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Corporate and SME Advisory Portfolio...

EMC May Recruitment

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Corporate and SME Advisory Portfolio...

EMC Alumni Feature: Matt Viner

Prior to Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC), Matt Viner worked with First Mile, a clean-tech logistics startup as a Business Analyst. He was interested in International Development especially in the Southeast Asian region. Matt found himself in Cambodia by chance when other plans fell through, and someone suggested he head to Phnom Penh. The advice was, “Go to Phnom Penh. Things are bustling there, and you’ll land on your feet.”   Matt joined EMC as a Consultant and was promoted to Regional Business...

EMC Recruitment: Human Resources Manager

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge. Job Description Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the link below: Human Resources Manager - Human Resources Unit  EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great...

Urgent Recruitment: Senior Financial and Investment Advisor for Agriculture Partnership Hub

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   Agriculture Partnership Hub APH is a five-year project beginning mid 2022 based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and implemented by Abt Associates. The purpose of APH is to promote diversification within Cambodia’s agricultural sector through targeted private sector partnerships that have the potential to link with new...

EMC April Recruitment

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Corporate and SME Advisory Portfolio...

Launch of KE’s Export Market Development Grant (EMDG)

Khmer Enterprise, a unit under the Ministry of Economy and Finance, has today announced the launch of its new Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) for SMEs. The grant program aims to provide financial support to SMEs to increase their export potential by lowering the cost of export market promotion and development to international markets.   The program, in line with the Royal Government of Cambodia’s strategy to internationally promote Cambodian made goods, will reduce the relatively high-cost burden SMEs face to market...

Magd_EMC Alumni Feature

EMC Alumni Feature: Magd Lh

Originally from Texas, Magd Lh has lived in eight countries and travelled to over a hundred. Prior to joining Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC), she completed a master’s degree in Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy from the University of St Andrews in Scotland  and a dual bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Ethics, Politics, & Economics from Yale University in the USA. She was always intrigued by Southeast Asia because of her interest in the post conflict development of Cambodia’s private sector....

Human Resources Manager Job Post

EMC Recruitment: Human Resources Manager

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge. Job Description Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the link below: Human Resources Manager - Human Resources Unit  EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great...

EMC Alumni Lara

EMC Alumni Feature: Lara Grosso

Before joining EMC in 2017, Lara Grosso worked as an Associate with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in Milan, Italy and had previously graduated MSc in International Affairs at LSE and Peking universities, following undergraduate at Bocconi, Italy. She joined Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) in Cambodia as she wanted to work in International Development in Asia.    Lara started as a Consultant and in the following year, was promoted to Senior Consultant. She enjoyed the diverse projects she worked on with the Ministry...

EMC Recruitment for February 2022

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Corporate and SME Advisory Portfolio...

EMC Alumni Chyi Lee

EMC Alumni Feature: Chyi Lee

Chyi Lee has spent most of her career outside of her home country, Malaysia. A believer in pushing past one’s comfort zone, she has worked in Japan and Europe before joining EMC. She has always been interested in international development and emerging markets, during her university days, she spent time in Nepal and Bangladesh for internships and volunteering activities. Her interest in EMC’s scope of work and the exposure in emerging markets in the Mekong region have motivated her to...

EMC Alumni Feature: Bernardo Contri

Bernardo wanted to work in area of international development and having travelled to Southeast Asia before, he was motivated to look specifically for job opportunities within the ASEAN region. Bernardo interviewed with EMC in 2013 and he accepted the offer even before he defended his master’s thesis in Economics and Management at Bocconi University. Soon enough, he was on plane from Milan to Vientiane about to embark on a new journey with EMC.   Bernard started as a consultant in the Laos...

EMC Recruitment January 2022

Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Corporate and SME Advisory Senior...

Meet Our EMC Alumni

Bernardo Contri Bernardo wanted to work in area of international development and having travelled to Southeast Asia before, he was motivated to look specifically for job opportunities within the ASEAN region. Bernardo interviewed with EMC in 2013 and he accepted the offer even before he defended his master’s thesis in Economics and Management at Bocconi University. Soon enough, he was on plane from Milan to Vientiane about to embark on a new journey with EMC. Bernard started as a consultant in the...

Recruiting for Senior Consultants, Consultants, Human Resource Manager, and Senior Business Analyst

  Overview of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) EMC is a consulting and investment advisory firm that brings international best practices to private and development sectors in Southeast Asia. We offer our clients and partners an unparalleled combination of international expertise and extensive local knowledge.   EMC Alumni Found out more about career at EMC through the experience of our international alumni who have made significant contributions and have gone on to achieve great feats in life.   Job Descriptions Please find our detailed job descriptions for download in the links below: Senior Consultant - International...

Business Growth Opportunities in the Cambodian Aquaculture Sector

EMC recently conducted a sector growth study on commercial aquaculture to give recommendations on private sector investment opportunities and on how the government and development partners can spur sector growth. The study was commissioned by CAST (Commercialization of Aquaculture for Sustainable Trade) project which is funded by USDA and implemented by the American Soybean Association (ASA), World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) and World Vision International (WVI), in partnership with further actors such as Auburn University (AU) and Kansas State University (KSU) though the Center of Excellence on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition (CE SAIN) in Cambodia.   Cambodian commercial aquaculture or ‘freshwater fish farming’ in this context holds untapped potential for...

Moving to Cambodia as a young professional – Louis

Louis is a Consultant at EMC in the Private Sector Strategic Partnership team. He graduated in 2019 from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and began his professional career in financial services. Louis has a long-standing interest in exploring emerging markets, with previous work experience in Namibia and Bolivia and as a Director at the LSE Emerging Markets Forum, where he worked with a variety of leaders in academia, politics, economics and business.  The rapid economic transformation and...

Premium Products in Cambodia: Opportunities in Developing Economies

Over the past two decades, Cambodia has transitioned itself to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world, averaging at a GDP growth rate of 8% between 1998 and 2018. Situated in the heart of Southeast Asia, Cambodia is part of ASEAN which is one of the fastest growing consumer markets in the world. The country’s growing population, with the median age of 25, is expected to provide encouraging prospects to fuel economic growth and consumer demand built on a vibrant and young workforce base.  Built on years of experience in market entry, research and analysis, EMC was commissioned to conduct a study on the...