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Market Assessment – Cookstoves in Myanmar

A thorough market assessment is important - for firms and development partners alike - before launching any new product, service or campaign. In 2014, GERES’ StovePlus Programme officially launched their Switch-Asia funded project “Upscaling Improved Cookstove Dissemination in Myanmar.” In a country of 60 million people, where 70% of the population uses solid biomass for daily cooking needs, access to clean cooking energy is a high priority. Reducing biomass consumption through Improved Cookstoves (ICS) is one of the widely recognized measures taken...

Thank You To Our Clients & Partners In 2015

A big thank you to all our clients and partners in 2015. Across all countries, we worked with over 42 organisations – many of them multiple times. We worked directly for the Governments of Lao PDR and Cambodia (Evaluation of Business Assistance Fund, and National Biodigester Program respectively). We undertook several projects for each of the major multilaterals; ADB, World Bank and the UN (ILO, UNICEF and WFP), in trade, ASEAN integration, private sector development and social research. We also worked...

Lao PDR Sanitation Supply Chain – WSP

This supply chain study is a formative quantitative and qualitative research of consumer and supply chain analysis for rural sanitation. The intention is to diagnose at a very detailed level the distinct differences in physical and market environments, in order to inform subsequent programming. It also focuses on the commonly found or most preferred products and approaches for achieving improved sanitation outcomes in rural settings. Conceptual Supply Chain Map Two hundred structured interviews were conducted with supply chain actors in seven provinces,...

Sanitation Finance

Sanitation Microfinance

Sanitation microfinance has the potential to sustainably improve access to sanitation. Previous studies have shown significant increases in latrine purchases and willingness to pay, when households had access to appropriate microfinance products. The microfinance sector in Cambodia is very well developed, with about eight large and over 30 smaller MFIs serving over 1.5 million borrowers – around 10% of the population. Their wide geographical distribution network offers significant scope to couple microfinance products with sanitation marketing efforts in order to increase...

Microinsurance Study

Increased access to diverse financial services can enable the poor and the vulnerable to devote more resources to their crops, develop protective measures against shocks, and gain access to markets, ultimately graduating from poverty. However despite the growing body of research on microinsurance globally, there is a relative lack of research on the microinsurance industry in Cambodia. Risk Ranking This report looks at essential elements of market suitability assessment for microinsurance, such as: Risk perception, product attribute preference, affordability and willingness and...