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Southeast Asia’s Emerging Markets, Post-Pandemic

A conversation with the financial analyst David Totten. Hopes are rising that a COVID-19 vaccine will release Southeast Asian economies from the strangleholds imposed by the pandemic and enable some economic growth over the coming 12 months. David Totten, managing director of Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC), is optimistic for the longer term but tells Luke Hunt the short and medium term will be bumpy, amid disparities between rich and poorer countries over the rollout of the vaccines. Totten studied in Germany...

Xing Jiajia Offers Perspectives on Influences of the Belt and Road Initiative on Cambodia

As Cambodia needs to build and upgrade its infrastructure to boost its economic growth, the Belt and Road Initiative holds the promise of new roads, ports, airports, and other projects, said Senior Director Ms. Xing Jiajia during the event organized by BritCham Cambodia on 09 July 2018 at Chinese House. She further clarified that the Belt and Road Initiative (“BRI”) of China has its strategic objectives, particularly to focus on connectivity and cooperation between countries along the Silk Road Economic...

More angels coming in search of worthy investments

Two months since a group of angel investors visited Phnom Penh in search of startup investment opportunities, the organisation behind the initiative is planning an even bigger scouting mission, looking for investment opportunities in the Kingdom’s small but vibrant startup community. Seven members of the Mekong Angel Investment Network (MAIN) visited the capital in June. Fourteen angel investors will join a delegation due to arrive early next month, according to Steve Landman, managing partner of the Lotus Fund. “We are quite optimistic about the...