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Researching violence in schools

Understanding ‘Violence in Schools’ in China, Indonesia and Rwanda

EMC was hired by Save the Children Sweden to research 'Violence in Schools' across China, Indonesia & Rwanda. Violence in schools and other educational settings is a global issue in both developed and developing countries – research has associated violence amongst children with negative health, psychosocial, and developmental outcomes. There is also the presumption that violence negatively impacts children’s attendance and academic achievements, but there exists limited research that actually measures the impact of violence on children’s educational outcomes. In addition, there is...

Challenges with Rice Husk Gasifiers in Cambodia

Big changes in the operating environment, caused big problems for a recent program to promote gasifiers to rice mills. Here's what went wrong and what we can learn from it. Strong Business Case? On paper, the Cambodian rice mill sector looked like a perfect market for the adoption of rice husk gasification technology. A large reason Cambodian rice mills were uncompetitive against neighboring countries was that their fuel costs were very high; many rice mills do not have access to grid electricity and were...

Joint Country Portfolio Performance Review (JCPPR)

The Joint Country Portfolio Performance Review (JCPPR) is a collaborative review of World Bank and ADB in-country portfolios. The purpose is to coordinate their activities and represent a coordinated approach to engagement with the host Government. Each year, either World Bank or ADB take the lead on procuring consultants to manage this process, and EMC has been contracted by both organisations multiple times in Lao PDR, Cambodia and Myanmar. The 2015 Myanmar JCPR also included JICA, due to their long standing presence in...

Thank You To Our Clients & Partners In 2015

A big thank you to all our clients and partners in 2015. Across all countries, we worked with over 42 organisations – many of them multiple times. We worked directly for the Governments of Lao PDR and Cambodia (Evaluation of Business Assistance Fund, and National Biodigester Program respectively). We undertook several projects for each of the major multilaterals; ADB, World Bank and the UN (ILO, UNICEF and WFP), in trade, ASEAN integration, private sector development and social research. We also worked...

Improving Basic Education in Cambodia

Despite improvements in Cambodia's education system - due largely to reforms and increased government spending since 2001 - significant challenges remain, in particular a lack of access and the low quality of basic education services. These problems are felt most acutely in remote and rural areas, and by marginalised groups such as the poor, ethnic minorities, and girls. USAID's Improved Basic Education in Cambodia Project was designed to address these issues of access and quality through an approach that emphasizes...