Lao’s entrepreneurial ecosystem – new perspectives

The Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF), with partners EMC Consulting and Toh Lao Coworking Space (Toh-X), gathered local stakeholders in Vientiane Capital to discuss new perspectives on Lao's entrepreneurial ecosystem. On 13 July 2018, the local stakeholders from Lao’s entrepreneurial ecosystem gathered at a workshop in Vientiane Capital to share their appreciation of the strengths and weaknesses of the ecosystem and elaborate together potential solutions to contribute to a more conducive operating environment for local entrepreneurs and their businesses. Over...

Cambodia Economy in Charts

This is a quick summary of the Cambodia economy and outlook based on data as of Nov 2017 - GDP and GDP growth, sectoral composition, exports, services, labor market issues and business constraints. It's not supposed to be detailed analysis, but may be useful timesaver for those interested in this topic. We put the slides together to facilitate discussion on employment opportunities for those at risk of trafficking and unsafe migration (at Chab Dai bi-annual members' meeting 2017). It's an...

USAID counter trafficking in persons (CTIP)

Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) is very pleased to contribute to CTIP and look forward to successful collaboration. CTIP will work with civil society, governments and private sector to reduce human trafficking in Asia. The program will initially focus on human trafficking in the Lower Mekong countries of Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam as well as Bangladesh. Recent examples of EMC relevant work include: Economic motivation for outbound migration from Cambodia (USAID) Job opportunities for migrant workers in Myanmar Impact of...

Improving Basic Education in Cambodia

Despite improvements in Cambodia's education system - due largely to reforms and increased government spending since 2001 - significant challenges remain, in particular a lack of access and the low quality of basic education services. These problems are felt most acutely in remote and rural areas, and by marginalised groups such as the poor, ethnic minorities, and girls. USAID's Improved Basic Education in Cambodia Project was designed to address these issues of access and quality through an approach that emphasizes...

Sanitation Finance

Sanitation Microfinance

Sanitation microfinance has the potential to sustainably improve access to sanitation. Previous studies have shown significant increases in latrine purchases and willingness to pay, when households had access to appropriate microfinance products. The microfinance sector in Cambodia is very well developed, with about eight large and over 30 smaller MFIs serving over 1.5 million borrowers – around 10% of the population. Their wide geographical distribution network offers significant scope to couple microfinance products with sanitation marketing efforts in order to increase...

Microinsurance Study

Increased access to diverse financial services can enable the poor and the vulnerable to devote more resources to their crops, develop protective measures against shocks, and gain access to markets, ultimately graduating from poverty. However despite the growing body of research on microinsurance globally, there is a relative lack of research on the microinsurance industry in Cambodia. Risk Ranking This report looks at essential elements of market suitability assessment for microinsurance, such as: Risk perception, product attribute preference, affordability and willingness and...