EMC Vigilant Against COVID-19

Dear Clients and Business Partners, Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) continues to diligently monitor developments concerning the impact of COVID-19. At EMC, the health and safety of our colleagues, clients, partners, and the communities in which we operate are a high priority. We have an eighteen-year legacy of responsible business, and we are committed to doing everything we can to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all our stakeholders. At the onset of the outbreak of COVID-19, we took immediate measures...

EMC Vigilant Against COVID-19

Dear Clients and Business Partners, Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) continues to diligently monitor developments concerning the impact of COVID-19. At EMC, the health and safety of our colleagues, clients, partners, and the communities in which we operate are a high priority. We have an eighteen-year legacy of responsible business, and we are committed to doing everything we can to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all our stakeholders. At the onset of the outbreak of COVID-19, we took immediate measures across the...

Lao PDR: The Labor Shortage

Labor and Skills shortage is one of 4 particular hurdles faced by SME in Lao PDR, according to our report "Business Formalization in Lao PDR". The post looks at causes and the impact on firms' competitiveness and the economy. Labor and Skills Shortage A clear finding of this study is that shortages of labor and skills are among the biggest constraints facing the private sector in the Lao PDR. Whereas a shortage of skilled labor is a challenge common to many developing...

Economic Growth In Lao PDR

This blog, taken from EMC report "Business Formalization in Lao PDR" (Sept 2016) considers whether Lao PDR's strong rates of economic growth are masking some underlying weaknesses in the productivity and profitability of many private sector enterprises, and in particular SME. Economic Performance The macroeconomic performance of the Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) has been remarkably strong and stable over a sustained period of time. In the decade to 2015, the economy grew by an average of 7.8% per year, with...

Obstacles faced by SMEs in CLMV

As part of our work for the Dutch Good Growth Fund #ClosingTheGap series, we analysed data from the World Bank's Enterprise Surveys to understand the obstacles faced by small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. In-depth country studies were undertaken in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. SMEs are not a homogeneous group. They report different obstacles and constraints - depending on their location, their size, and other characteristics. And these obstacles change over time. Business obstacles by country and size Access...

Cambodia: Reducing the gender gap

Women make a major contribution to the Cambodian economy, including by owning and managing the majority of businesses. Yet they face a number of particular barriers. Women are more likely to be illiterate and less likely to have completed primary and secondary education than men. This means they face greater challenges in business registration and obtaining and interpreting business regulations and information. Social norms can make it more difficult for women to interact with male government officials. Hence there may...

Women in the Construction Sector

In an interview with EMC, Srey Nich*[1] stated that men are paid higher than females because “they can do a greater variety of tasks… and are more skillful.” She also stated that “men are more absent than women because they go back to their hometowns. Female construction workers are not absent, but the manager may tell her she is no longer needed because there is no work for her.” The undervaluing of women in the workplace is a global problem that...

Green Growth Policy

Green Growth Policy in Cambodia

This blog summarizes the frameworks and institutions (as of mid-2016) of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) relevant to green growth policy, climate change, energy efficiency and SME development in general. It comes from the inception report to a EMC Prefeasibility Study (PFS) for a 'Fund' to encourage Cambodian SME to invest in energy efficiency technology. It is not an assessment - simply a useful summary of instruments and institutions. It is fair to say that in key areas the intent and...

Migration from Cambodia and the Domestic Labor Market

What is the typical profile of a potential migrant from Cambodia, and what are the drivers that lead individuals to migrate abroad? Recent research commissioned by USAID and carried out by EMC has attempted to answer these questions, and to investigate how one might address migration push factors that make it unattractive for vulnerable populations to remain in the country.   The majority of Cambodia’s migrants migrate through unsafe channels and without official travel documents, and are therefore at a heightened risk of...

Researching violence in schools

Understanding ‘Violence in Schools’ in China, Indonesia and Rwanda

EMC was hired by Save the Children Sweden to research 'Violence in Schools' across China, Indonesia & Rwanda. Violence in schools and other educational settings is a global issue in both developed and developing countries – research has associated violence amongst children with negative health, psychosocial, and developmental outcomes. There is also the presumption that violence negatively impacts children’s attendance and academic achievements, but there exists limited research that actually measures the impact of violence on children’s educational outcomes. In addition, there is...

Is there a bubble in Phnom Penh property?

In 2009–10, Phnom Penh property prices fell around 40% and did not recover until 2014. Are we in another property bubble, and what might trigger another crash? Boom town Real estate is booming in Phnom Penh. There are many new developments, and prices have increased significantly over recent years. Land prices in most central areas of Phnom Penh have doubled since 2010 – in Chroy Chang Va they have tripled. A large number of condominiums have been recently constructed and more are under...


Market Assessment – Cookstoves in Myanmar

A thorough market assessment is important - for firms and development partners alike - before launching any new product, service or campaign. In 2014, GERES’ StovePlus Programme officially launched their Switch-Asia funded project “Upscaling Improved Cookstove Dissemination in Myanmar.” In a country of 60 million people, where 70% of the population uses solid biomass for daily cooking needs, access to clean cooking energy is a high priority. Reducing biomass consumption through Improved Cookstoves (ICS) is one of the widely recognized measures taken...

Calling All Cambodian Entrepreneurs

In 2015, the Ministry of Commerce launched the MOC 101 Incubator, to showcase Cambodia’s budding entrepreneurs—their best ideas and start-up businesses. During the following months and successive rounds of competition, applicants have received guidance for business formation, technical assistance and intensive mentorship through a formalized incubator program. Now, in February 2016, the final 20 graduates and “best ideas” have been chosen, and the time has come to select the winners.  During this final gathering, The Pitch, the entrepreneurs will present their...

Improving Trade and Logistics in Cambodia

Cambodia sits in a dynamic region (sandwiched between the economies of Thailand and Vietnam) and its best hope for improving livelihoods is to integrate further into the dynamic ASEAN region. Weak logistics have long impeded Cambodia’s progress in realising its trade potential, however, because export costs are higher than Thailand and Vietnam. Cambodia’s farmers and manufacturers encounter difficulties in moving goods to markets; exporters face challenges in supplying overseas customers and integration into regional production networks remains challenging. World Bank Group,...

Joint Country Portfolio Performance Review (JCPPR)

The Joint Country Portfolio Performance Review (JCPPR) is a collaborative review of World Bank and ADB in-country portfolios. The purpose is to coordinate their activities and represent a coordinated approach to engagement with the host Government. Each year, either World Bank or ADB take the lead on procuring consultants to manage this process, and EMC has been contracted by both organisations multiple times in Lao PDR, Cambodia and Myanmar. The 2015 Myanmar JCPR also included JICA, due to their long standing presence in...

EMC speaking at seminar on ASEAN RVC

The growth of ASEAN in the global economy represents a great opportunity for Lao, and other lower income economies.  ASEAN boasts world class universities to develop new products, educated and youthful population to make them, global financial centres and easy access to world markets. The David Totten (EMC), at seminar on Lao PDR integration in to Regional Value Chains ASEAN firms at the forefront of this process, seek to sustain a competitive advantage, by arranging their supply chains, in the most value maximizing way....

SEAC Solar Energy Association of Cambodia

In 2014 EMC hosted the inaugural meeting of SEAC (the Solar Energy Association of Cambodia). The association hopes to promotes increased use of Founders of SEAC solar energy in Cambodia, through policy advocacy, awareness raising and improving standards throughout the industry.  Electricity prices are relatively high in Cambodia compared to Vietnam and Thailand and the national grid relatively underdeveloped.  However the conditions for solar energy are excellent, even during rainy season. Consequently, solar energy should provide a valuable contribution to Cambodia's economic development through increasing...

AEC promises freer movement of labour … at the margin

Will AEC help labour shortages in Lao PDR? We often hear that the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will free up the movement of labour between ASEAN countries. This, we are told, will have big implications for Laotian businesses and workers. However, we shouldn’t lose sight of the country’s biggest labour market challenge: a shortage of low-skilled workers. Under the AEC, governments are trying to make it easier for skilled workers in a few specific occupations to work in any ASEAN country. It...

Lao PDR Sanitation Supply Chain – WSP

This supply chain study is a formative quantitative and qualitative research of consumer and supply chain analysis for rural sanitation. The intention is to diagnose at a very detailed level the distinct differences in physical and market environments, in order to inform subsequent programming. It also focuses on the commonly found or most preferred products and approaches for achieving improved sanitation outcomes in rural settings. Conceptual Supply Chain Map Two hundred structured interviews were conducted with supply chain actors in seven provinces,...