Thank You To Our Clients & Partners In 2015

A big thank you to all our clients and partners in 2015. Across all countries, we worked with over 42 organisations – many of them multiple times. We worked directly for the Governments of Lao PDR and Cambodia (Evaluation of Business Assistance Fund, and National Biodigester Program respectively). We undertook several projects for each of the major multilaterals; ADB, World Bank and the UN (ILO, UNICEF and WFP), in trade, ASEAN integration, private sector development and social research. We also worked with major bilaterals from Germany, France, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Japan and America. As well as global NGOs across agriculture, nutrition, clean energy, sanitation, economic empowerment and inclusive finance. Our private sector and social business clients came from the US, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, India and Singapore across IT, finance, real estate, construction materials, infrastructure and business services. In addition to Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar, we also undertook projects in the Philippines (business services) and Bangladesh (garment sector).

Some of our clients in 2015;

Governments: Government of Lao PDR; Royal Government of Cambodia. Multilaterals: Asia Development Bank (ADB); World Bank; International Finance Corporation (IFC); United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); UN International Labour Organization (ILO); UN World Food Program (WFP). Bilateral; Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar (SDC); British Embassy in Lao PDR; US Embassy in Cambodia; The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC); KfW Bankengruppe (KfW); German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ); Netherlands Development Organization (SNV). International Non-Government: International Committee of the Red Cross; GERES; Handicap International; Mercy Corps; Save the Children International (SCI); Plan International; World Vision International; Oxfam; Catholic Relief Service (CRS); Conservation International; Groupe de Recherche et d’Echanges Technologiques (Gret). Private Sector & Social Business: IIX / Shujog; Lucky Iron Fish; Advancing Engineering Consultants; Hyundai Engineering; AZ Investments; BRICO; Total Value Solutions; Luangpaseuth Construction; Tata Steel; Angkor Microfinance (AMK). For-Profits; Palladium Group (DFAT); Social Impact Inc. (USAID); Winrock International (USAID); World Learning (USAID); StartUp Cup (US State Dept.); LJI (JICA).



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