Moving to Cambodia as a young professional – Louis

Louis is a Consultant at EMC in the Private Sector Strategic Partnership team. He graduated in 2019 from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and began his professional career in financial services. Louis has a long-standing interest in exploring emerging markets, with previous work experience in Namibia and Bolivia and as a Director at the LSE Emerging Markets Forum, where he worked with a variety of leaders in academia, politics, economics and business. 

The rapid economic transformation and development in South-East Asia has been a theme he has followed closely. To Louis, Cambodia offered an attractive opportunity to work in a dynamic country with EMC presenting an exciting challenge to develop his management consulting skills whilst leading a variety of consulting projects with private sector clients. As a young professional, living and working overseas has certainly pushed him outside his comfort zone, yet he thoroughly enjoys developing solutions to client’s strategic needs whilst cultivating new relationships and learning about the language and culture.  

Outside of EMC, Louis is currently taking part in the Business Mentoring Certification Program implemented by Impact Hub Phnom Penh and Phum Impact Siem Reap. He is looking to develop his mentorship skills in order to be more equipped to support Cambodian entrepreneurs. He enjoys mentoring given his enthusiasm to add value to entrepreneurs and the start-up ecosystem by sharing his experiences and knowledge. EMC is looking forward to seeing his community involvement and learning.  

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