EMC Vigilant Against COVID-19

Dear Clients and Business Partners,

Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) continues to diligently monitor developments concerning the impact of COVID-19. At EMC, the health and safety of our colleagues, clients, partners, and the communities in which we operate are a high priority. We have an eighteen-year legacy of responsible business, and we are committed to doing everything we can to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all our stakeholders.

At the onset of the outbreak of COVID-19, we took immediate measures across the organization to protect our colleagues’ health and safety, and these measures remain in place. Open and transparent lines of communication continue to be essential to how we operate and function. Our ability to continuously adapt and respond in these dynamic conditions has not always been easy, but certainly has been worth our efforts.

EMC remains vigilant and resilient.

In addition to our colleagues, we have a responsibility to you, our clients and business partners, which is to provide world-class consulting and advisory services. EMC’s commitment to each client and business partner is non-negotiable, and we continue to serve our clients and meet their needs.

While EMC is committed to you, we will continue to operate with a posture of caution. We carefully assess conditions, and when and how appropriate, we adapt and adjust appropriately. This applies to our colleagues as well, as we give them reasonable room to make independent decisions on if and how they wish to meet clients and business partners. We trust our team’s judgement to make the right decision.

EMC is an organization built on reason and hope. It is our desire to return to business as normal, however that may look like, and we will. For the time at hand, we will act with caution and appreciate the confidence you have in EMC to handle the current situation wisely.

Thank you.

Emerging Markets Consulting

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