Lyly’s Professional Journey

Lyly is a Senior Business Analyst in the SME & Corporate Advisory team. She started at EMC in June 2020 as a Junior Business Analyst and was promoted immediately following her internship period. She holds dual bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration from American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP) and University of Arizona.

We sat down (virtually) with Lyly to discuss about her experience.

So why EMC?

I’m at EMC because I’m interested in consulting. I want a job that is interesting and dynamic. Consulting seems ideal for me because I like new challenges. Before joining, I read through previous projects by EMC and learned about the team in the Cambodia office. I was very certain that there would be many learning opportunities. I’m very happy I made that decision to apply

How did you learn about EMC?

It was purely by coincidence. I was looking for work opportunities on LinkedIn and came across other profiles of AUPP alumni who were working at EMC at the time.

What are some things you like about working at EMC?

I really appreciate how EMC fosters a culture that champions professional and personal development. As a young graduate, I was looking for a place that I could learn from and contribute to. EMC let me help provide training and do knowledge sharing. Even as a junior staff on the team, I felt that I could engage and explore anything I was interested in. Ultimately, EMC wanted me to experience it all so I could make an informed decision about the full-time opportunity after the internship.

Also, I really like the interactions with my colleagues. I’m excited to work because as challenging as the job is and could be, I feel supported by the people I work with. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and has different skillsets so it’s fun to learn from one another. More importantly, we always collaborate as a team. Especially when we work on a project together, we spend so much time together that we also become closer as friends. My favorite moments are those walks we would take together during lunch break to bubble tea and coffee shops. Sometimes, we would just walk over to TK Avenue and stroll around Lucky Supermarket. Good exercise and quality time.

What are some tips you would like to share to prospective candidates?

Apply if you’re interested. I was really scared at first because I wasn’t sure if I could do well at EMC. I didn’t need to worry much though because I had plenty of training on the job and support from the team. It wasn’t easy to navigate at first, but I definitely learned a lot. Be clear about the types of skills you want to learn and the types of skills you can bring to EMC. It’s a two-way street so you should understand those as part of the application process. More importantly, be yourself. You should prepare your application thoughtfully. Lastly, make sure you highlight your goals and aspirations.

EMC is now hiring for Business Analysts! Check out the opportunities and apply today 😊

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